TOURISM - VMID New Service
The importance of tourism is and has always been a defining factor to a region’s identity in the eyes of their visitors – both domestic...

Jakarta Fashion Week 2020 - Fashionlink Market, VM & Music consultation booth
Booth : Visual Merchandising Indonesia Fashion & Retail Music : Fortunes

10 Langkah Ria Miranda Booth Styling & Talkshow
We have just finished the display set-up for @riamiranda exhibition booth, which will be held from 7-14 October at the main atrium of...

Public Lecture, Univ. Kristen Maranatha Bandung
We have just finished a public class session for the Design Interior students of Maranatha University, Bandung. The theme was VM and...

Mondial Jeweler 40th Anniversary Window Display
We have just finished the window display development process for @mondialjeweler at their store in Plaza Indonesia, as well as the latest...

Herborist VM Intermediate & Advanced Training
We are having our three-day intensive training for the Store development and visual merchandising team of @herboristnaturalcare . The...

Metro Tennis Terminal Renovation & Store Visual Development
We have just finished the renovation process for Metro Tennis Terminal store in Panglima Polim, Jakarta. They are the leading brand in...

Product display set-up Otten Coffee Sudirman City Walk
We have just finished the product display set-up & Store Visual Development for @ottencoffee new store at Citywalk Sudirman. _ For us,...

Nike Indonesia VM retainer Basis
As part of their VM retainer basis program, we've helped the Nike VM team for six months. We've made sure that their products are...

Lino & Sons Jewellery - Summer Window Display
We have just finished developing the summer themed window display for Lino and Sons Jewellery , using more than 100 pieces of customized...