Ria Miranda - Flagship Store
Together with @imitestudio , we have just finished a store visual development for a Ria Miranda store that is located inside the Al Kahf Space. @inforiamiranda _ VMID made the mood board (for props, fixtures, POP and signage), created specifically align to the brand's character as the initial idea. The process was followed with producing the VM Guideline and the VM Planogram, while Imite constructed the store design and concluded the fit-out process. The store visual development is then completed with the product display styling, with details and product arrangements set according to the previously compiled planogram and guideline. We are delighted that we have been giving a consistent VM service for Ria Miranda @riamiranda @pandurosadi since 2017. We hope with the opening of the Al Kahf Space, as well as the new Ria Miranda store can provide many benefits for the brand and their loyal customers.